

Specify a CSS stylesheet to style the document.

Stylesheets are standard CSS. The CSS level supported is dependant on the target renderer.

CSS stylesheets are cascaded in the standard way. Stylesheets can be limited to apply to certain targets only via the target attribute.


Attribute name Description
url The url of the CSS stylesheet.
target Apply the stylesheet element only to the specified targets. See BDML schema for more information on metadata elements.
variant Apply this metadata element only when the variant is specified during translation. See BDML schema for more information on metadata elements.

Immediate descendants

No element descendants are defined for the <stylesheet> element.

Immediate ancestors

Element name Relation
<metadata> The enclosing metadata element containing the stylesheet element.


<document xmlns="http://boradoc.org/1.0">
    <stylesheet url="css/doc.css" target="html" />