

The root element in BDML files.

BDML files can be root files, or can represent documents that will be included in other documents via <include> elements.

A well formed root file <document> element may contain only a set of parts or a set of chapters. If <part> elements are present, no <chapter> elements may be present as immediate descendants of the root file <document> element.


In addition to the following attributes, standard attributes may be defined on <document> elements.

Attribute name Description
xmlns BDML XML namespace. Must be set to http://boradoc.org/1.0

Immediate descendants

The <document> elements of root files may have the following immediate descendants.

Element name Description
<metadata> Contains metadata entries. Entries can apply to all targets or be target specific.
<part> A complete part of the document. Documents contain a set of parts.
<chapter> A chapter of the document. Instead of parts, a document may instead contain a set of chapters directly. In this case, no parts are contained in the document.
<include> An external BDML document to be included in place of the <include> element.

Immediate ancestors

The <document> element is the root element of BDML files.


<document xmlns="http://boradoc.org/1.0">
  <-- Descendant elements go here. -->
    <para>Hello world!</para>

The above BDML renders to the following:

Hello world!