

A header to be included on each page of the document.


The referenced BDML document must contain a single chapter containing the header content.

In case that multiple header elements would be defined the last one matching right/left page would be used.

For the HTML target, the header appears a single time at the top of the page.


Attribute name Description
url The url to the header document.
target Apply this metadata element only to the specified targets. See BDML schema for more information on metadata elements.
variant Apply this metadata element only when the variant is specified during translation. See BDML schema for more information on metadata elements.
page Defines if header should be displayed on right or left page. If attribute is not provided header will be displayed on both right and left pages of generated PDF document. Available values: right, left.

Immediate descendants

No element descendants are defined for the <header> element.

Immediate ancestors

Element name Relation
<metadata> The enclosing metadata element.


Given the following BDML file:

<document xmlns="http://boradoc.org/1.0">
    <header url="header.bdml" />
    <para>Main body.</para>

where header.bdml contains the following:

<document xmlns="http://boradoc.org/1.0">
    <para>ABC Corp</para>

The first BDML file renders to the following:

ABC Corp

Main body.