

Represents a part in a part based document.

Part elements group a set of chapters.


In addition to the following attributes, standard attributes may be defined on <part> elements.

Element name Description
title The title of the part.

Immediate descendants

Element name Description
<chapter> A chapter of the document.
<include> An external BDML document to be included in place of the <include> element.

Immediate ancestors

Element name Relation
<document> The document element of a BDML file containing one or more parts of a part based document.


<document xmlns="http://boradoc.org/1.0">
  <part title="Part 1 title">
    <chapter title="Chapter 1 title">
      <para>Some text.</para>
    <chapter title="Chapter 2 title">
      <para>Some text.</para>
  <part title="Part 2 title">
    <chapter title="Chapter 3 title">
      <para>Some text.</para>
    <chapter title="Chapter 4 title">
      <para>Some text.</para>

The above BDML renders to the following:

Part 1 title

Chapter 1 title

Some text.

Chapter 2 title

Some text.

Part 2 title

Chapter 3 title

Some text.

Chapter 4 title

Some text.