
bora c++ application framework

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Bora C++ application framework

The Bora® C++ application framework is an open source library designed for enterprise C++ software development. The library provides the fundamental tools required for modern and rapid development of high performance C++ enterprise applications, allowing the development of applications that have a dependency injection based architecture, have complex logging requirements, and will be developed with a test driven development methodology.

Four key components of the Bora C++ application framework are the injector, the environment configuration framework, the logging system, and the test runner. Together, these components form a foundation for rapid enterprise C++ application development. In addition to the fundamental components, The Bora C++ application framework provides a set of utilities with simple APIs, including an HTTP/WebSocket web application framework.

The library is available for download from its main Git repository. The user manual is also available online. A downloadable PDF of the user manual is also available here.

Open source

The Bora C++ application framework follows an open-source licensing model, where the source code is available for inspection and modification. The library is licensed under the Boost Software License, paralleling the license of one of the library's dependencies.

Bespoke software development

For technical project managers wishing to create enterprise C++ applications, Bora can provide consultants and developers in order to provide a turnkey solution based on the Bora C++ application framework. The principal domains of activity are signal processing software systems, including realtime and non-realtime, and financial enterprise software systems. See Bora services for more information.

Signal processing

The Bora C++ application framework has been designed principally for server-side software applications, including realtime and non-realtime signal processing software. Bora has extensive knowledge of digital signal processing and mathematical software development. We can harness this knowledge to create a bespoke signal processing software solution. See the industries page for more information on our domains of expertise.


The finance industry has complex and interdependent technical requirements in the domains of trading, compliance, and risk analysis. The Bora C++ application framework is designed to provide the finance industry with a base on which complex, enterprise C++ applications may be developed. Bora's multi-domain knowledge and experience in enterprise software development and mathematical computing can provide the technical vision and architectural expertise for bespoke development.

The library can be used for both greenfield and brownfield C++ projects. A greenfield project can benefit from a clean dependency injection based architecture, alongside complex logging and test driven development. A brownfield project can easily be rearchitected with a progressively implemented dependency injection, via the Balau injector's hybrid dependency injection support.

Both realtime and non-realtime C++ applications such as low latency trading systems, risk systems, and back-office processors are suitable for development based on the Bora C++ application framework architecture.