Resource Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Resource:


file  ByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only resource which is read as bytes.
file  ByteWriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write-only resource which is written as bytes.
file  File.hpp [code]
 A file on the local file system.
file  FileByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only standard file on a file system which is read as bytes.
file  FileByteWriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write only standard file on a file system which is written as bytes.
file  FileUtf32To8WriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write-only file based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters.
file  FileUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only file based UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  Http.hpp [code]
file  HttpByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only HTTP resource which is read as bytes.
file  Https.hpp [code]
file  HttpsByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only HTTPS resource which is read as bytes.
file  HttpsUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only HTTPS UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  HttpUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only HTTP UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  Resource.hpp [code]
 Abstract base class of resource classes.
file  StringUri.hpp [code]
 An immediate string pseudo-URI.
file  StringUriByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only string URI resource which is read as bytes.
file  StringUriByteWriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write resource onto a String URI that is written as bytes.
file  StringUriUtf32To8WriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write-only String based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters.
file  StringUriUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only String UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  Uri.hpp [code]
 The abstract URI base class.
file  UriComponents.hpp [code]
 A class representing the parsed components of a URI.
file  UriDispatcher.hpp [code]
 Dispatcher interface for URIs.
file  Url.hpp [code]
 An abstract Url (either http or https).
file  Utf32To8WriteResource.hpp [code]
 A write-only UTF-8 resource, which is written as UTF-32 characters.
file  Utf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  ZipEntry.hpp [code]
 An entry in a zip archive on the local file system.
file  ZipEntryByteReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only entry in a zip file which is read as bytes.
file  ZipEntryUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp [code]
 A read-only UTF-8 entry in a zip file which is read as UTF-32 characters.
file  ZipFile.hpp [code]
 A zip file on the local file system.