

Configuration for the logging system.

Simple configuration

Logging system configuration does not contain any root value properties.

Composite configuration

Logging system configuration can contain any conforming composite property. The name of each composite property is the logging namespace being configured.

A conforming composite property is a composite property that contains a valid set of value properties, according to the value property specifications given in the logging namespace configuration section below.

Logging namespace configuration

A logging namespace environment configuration entry is a composite property that occurs within the root logging composite property. Logging namespace environment configuration composite properties may contain the following value properties.

All logging configuration value properties are optional. All default values given below are applied by the logging system and are not present in the logging environment configuration specification.

Name Type Default value* Description
level string INFO Logging level
format string see below Message format specification
flush boolean true Whether to automatically flush after each message
stream string Output stream specification for all logging levels
trace-stream string Output stream specification for trace logging
debug-stream string Output stream specification for debug logging
info-stream string stdout Output stream specification for info logging
warn-stream string stderr Output stream specification for warn logging
error-stream string Output stream specification for error logging

* All default values are set by the logging system.

The default format specification (set by the logging system) if none is supplied or inherited for a particular namespace is:

			%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S [%thread] %LEVEL - %namespace - %message

Default values for the info-stream and debug-stream properties are set by the logging system for a particular namespace if no other stream specifications have been explicitly provided for the logging namespace and its ancestors.