http.server -> http -> files


HTTP web application that serves static file GET requests from the file system.

Simple configuration

Name Type Default value Description
location string The path or set of paths which will be handled by the web application.
logging.ns string http.server.files The logging namespace into which the file serving web application will log to.
info.log string stream: stdout The INFO level logging configuration to apply to the logging namespace used by the file serving web application.
error.log string stream: stderr The ERROR level logging configuration to apply to the logging namespace used by the file serving web application.
root uri The root file system directory from which the files will be sourced.
index string index.html The file name or space delimited list of file names that will be automatically returned for directory path requests.

Composite configuration

The files composite property does not contain any composite configuration.


			files {
				location = /
				root     = file:/var/www