CAbstractScanner< TokenT > | Base class for scanners |
►CAbstractScanner< PropertyToken > | |
CPropertyScanner | A scanner for the property parser |
CApp | Utilities for accessing application information |
CAssert | An assertion class for development purposes |
CBindingBuilder< BaseT, DeleterT > | An injector binding candidate created via the injector configuration |
CObjectTrie< T >::BreadthIterator | A breadth first iterator for the trie |
CCharacter | Utilities for unicode characters and code points |
CClientSession | The session object for a client |
►CClock | Base interface of clocks |
CSystemClock | The default implementation of the clock API |
CCodePosition | A position in a piece of multi-line text |
CCodeSpan | Information on the span of some source code text |
CCommandLine< KeyT > | A compact command line argument parser |
CIterativeScannedTokens< TokenT >::const_iterator | Scanned tokens const iterator |
CDependencyGraph< VertexT, EdgeT, GraphT >::const_iterator | The DependencyGraph const iterator |
CObjectTrie< T >::ConstBreadthIterator | A breadth first const iterator for the trie |
CObjectTrie< T >::ConstDepthIterator | A depth first const iterator for the trie |
CIterativeScannedTokens< TokenT >::ConstElement | Returned by const iterators when accessing elements |
CContainers | Utilities for containers |
CCyclicBarrier | A synchronising barrier that can be configured for an arbitrary number of threads |
CDateTime | Date and time utilities simplified |
CDependencyGraph< VertexT, EdgeT, GraphT > | A graph that models the dependencies between a set of objects of type VertexT |
CObjectTrie< T >::DepthIterator | A depth first iterator for the trie |
CIterativeScannedTokens< TokenT >::Element | Returned by non-const iterators when accessing elements |
CEnums | Utilities for enums |
CEnvironmentProperties | A hierarchical environment properties holder created from a composite property |
►Cexception | STL class |
►CBalauException | Base class of all Balau exceptions |
CAssertionException | The exception thrown by the test runner when an assertion fails |
►CBindingException | Base class of binding exceptions |
CDuplicateBindingException | Thrown when an illegal injector binding configuration is attempted |
CMissingDependencyException | Thrown when no binding is found in the injector |
CNoBindingException | Thrown when no binding is found in the injector |
CSharedInjectorException | Thrown when an attempt is made to create a shared pointer binding to the injector |
CBugException | Thrown when a bug is encountered (mainly unimplemented switch cases) |
►CCommandlineException | Base class of command line exception classes |
CMissingFinalValueException | Thrown when there is no final value available and one is required |
CMissingOptionValueException | Thrown when there is no option value available and one is required |
COptionNotFoundException | Thrown when an invalid command line parameter is specified |
COptionValueException | Thrown when a requested option value cannot be coerced into the required type |
CConversionException | Thrown when a conversion fails |
CCyclicDependencyException | Thrown when the supplied binding configuration has a cyclic dependency |
CEmptyException | Thrown when a request is made for an element but no elements are available |
CEnvironmentConfigurationException | Thrown when there is an issue loading an environment property file |
►CErrNoException | Abstract base class of exceptions that report errno |
CForkException | Thrown when a fork call fails |
CWaitException | Thrown when a wait call fails |
CIllegalArgumentException | Thrown when an illegal argument is passed to a function or method |
CIllegalStateException | Thrown when a variable is not in a valid state or when a section of code has been executed at an inappropriate time |
CIndexOutOfRangeException | Thrown when a specified index is not in the valid range |
CIOException | Thrown when an IO exception occurs |
CItemDoesNotExistException< T > | Thrown when an attempt is made to remove a non-existing item in a container |
CItemExistsException< T > | Thrown when an attempt is made to add an existing item to a container |
CLoggingConfigurationException | Exception thrown by the logging system configuration |
CNetworkException | Base class of network exceptions |
CNotImplementedException | Thrown when a feature is not yet implemented |
CRelationshipDoesNotExistException< T, U > | Thrown when a non-existent relationship between two items is requested |
►CResourceException | Abstract base class of resource classes |
CCouldNotCreateException | Thrown when a resource could not be created |
CCouldNotOpenException | Thrown when a resource could not be opened |
CInvalidUriException | Thrown when a URI is invalid |
►CNotFoundException | Thrown when a resource is not found |
CFileNotFoundException | Thrown when a resource is not found |
CZipException | Thrown when a zip resource has an error |
CSizeException | Thrown when an invalid size is supplied or detected |
CSyntaxErrorException | Thrown when a parser incurs invalid syntax |
CTestRunnerException | Thrown by the test runner when there is a non test related error |
CUnsupportedOperationException | Thrown when an operation is deliberately not implemented |
CFile::FileIterator | Non-recursive iteration over a directory's contents |
CFiles | File utilities |
CFork | Convenience wrapper for forking processes |
CFromString< typename > | Template class based from-string function for use in template classes |
CFromString< char > | UTF-8 specialisation of FromString<T> |
CFromString< char16_t > | UTF-16 specialisation of FromString<T> |
CFromString< char32_t > | UTF-32 specialisation of FromString<T> |
CGZip | GZip compression utilities |
CHashing | Hashing utilities |
►CHttpClient | A simple HTTP client |
CHttpsClient | A simple HTTPS client |
CHttpServer | An asynchronous HTTP/WebSocket server |
CHttpServerConfiguration | Shared state between HTTP sessions |
CHttpSession | Manages the handling of HTTP messages and WebSocket upgrade requests in an HTTP connection |
►CHttpWebApp | Abstract base class of HTTP web application handlers |
CConfigurationWebApp | An HTTP web application that merges environment configuration documentation for serving |
CCannedHttpWebApp | An HTTP web application handler that serves a fixed response for each request method |
CEmailSendingHttpWebApp | An HTTP web application handler that sends an email when a post request is made |
CFileServingHttpWebApp | An HTTP web application handler that serve files from the file system |
CRedirectingHttpWebApp | An HTTP web application handler that performs 301 or 302 redirection for a range of HTTP paths |
CRoutingHttpWebApp | An HTTP web application handler that routes to other handlers |
CInjector | The main dependency injector class |
►CInjectorConfiguration | Injector configurations specify injector bindings |
CApplicationConfiguration | Application configurations specify application injector bindings |
CEnvironmentConfiguration | Environment configurations specify typed and untyped environment injector bindings |
CEnvironmentProperties::Item | Instances of the Item class are returned from iterators |
CIterativeScannedTokens< TokenT > | A ScannedTokens adaptor that provides an iteration API |
CIterativeScannedTokens< TokenT >::iterator | Scanned tokens non-const iterator |
CEnvironmentProperties::iterator | The EnvironmentProperties iterator |
CDependencyGraph< VertexT, EdgeT, GraphT >::iterator | The DependencyGraph non-const iterator |
CLazyValue< T > | Member variable style lazy setting of a value |
CLogger | The main logger class |
CLoggingStream | Base class of logging stream plugins |
CScannerApiScannedTokens< TokenT >::Marker | A position marker that can be obtained at any point during parsing, in order to put back multiple tokens |
CMemory | Utilities for memory |
CMimeTypes | Holds a map of mime types, keyed to the corresponding file extension |
CMovableOnScopeExit | Run a function on scope exit (movable version) |
CMSharedMemoryObject< T > | A shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library |
CMSharedMemoryObject< QueueState > | |
CNetworkTesting | Utilities for testing network functionality |
CObjectTrie< T > | An object based trie used for parent-child hierarchies |
CObjectTrie< Impl::PropertyString > | |
CObjectTrie< Value > | |
CObjectTrieNode< T > | The node type contained in the object trie |
CObjectTrieNode< Impl::PropertyString > | |
CObjectTrieNode< Value > | |
COnScopeExit | Run a function on scope exit |
►CPayload | Base class of property visitor payloads |
CPropertyAstToStringPayload | The payload used in the property AST toString implementation |
CPrettyPrint | Utilities for printing numeric values in different formats |
►CPropertyNode | Abstract base class of Property AST node classes |
CCommentPropertyNode | Comment property node |
CCompositeProperty | Composite name-value property node |
CEmptyLinePropertyNode | Represents a blank line in a property file |
CIncludePropertyNode | Include property node |
CProperties | The outer structure |
CValueProperty | Simple name-value property node |
CPropertyParser | A recursive descent property language parser |
CPropertyParserService | Encapsulates the creation and execution of a pre-processor, scanner, and parser in a single function |
►CPropertyVisitor | Visitor interface for property AST nodes |
CPropertyAstToString | The property AST visitor used in the property AST toString implementation |
►CQueue< T > | Base interface for queues |
►CBlockingQueue< T > | Base interface for blocking queues |
CArrayBlockingQueue< T > | A blocking queue that uses wait/notify and an array to hold the elements |
CSharedMemoryQueue< T > | A blocking, shared memory queue that uses the Boost interprocess library |
CSynchronizedQueue< T > | A queue that uses a mutex to synchronise enqueue and dequeue calls |
CRandomAccessScannedTokens< TokenT > | Immutable, random access wrapper over a ScannedTokens data structure |
CRandomNumberGenerator< T, D > | The random number generator implementation class |
CFile::RecursiveFileIterator | Recursive iteration into a directory structure |
►CRecursiveUriIterator | An abstract read iterator that iterates recursively |
CFile::RecursiveFileUriIterator | Recursive iteration into a directory structure (URI version) |
CZipFile::RecursiveZipFileIterator | Recursive iterator into a zip file |
►CResource | Abstract base class of resource classes |
►CByteReadResource | A read-only resource which is read as bytes |
CFileByteReadResource | A read-only standard file on a file system which is read as bytes |
CHttpByteReadResource | A read-only HTTP resource which is read as bytes |
CHttpsByteReadResource | A read-only HTTP resource which is read as bytes |
CStringUriByteReadResource | A read-only String URI resource which is read as bytes |
CZipEntryByteReadResource | A read-only entry in a zip file which is read as bytes |
►CByteWriteResource | A write-only resource which is written from bytes |
CFileByteWriteResource | A write only standard file on a file system which is written as bytes |
CStringUriByteWriteResource | A write only String URI that is written as bytes |
►CUtf32To8WriteResource | A write-only UTF-8 resource, which is written with UTF-32 characters |
CFileUtf32To8WriteResource | A write-only UTF-8 resource in a standard file on a file system, which is written with UTF-32 characters |
CStringUriUtf32To8WriteResource | A write-only UTF-8 resource in a standard file on a file system, which is written with UTF-32 characters |
►CUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only UTF-8 resource which is read in as UTF-32 characters |
CFileUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only file based UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
CHttpsUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only HTTP UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
CHttpUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only HTTP UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
CStringUriUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only String UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
CZipEntryUtf8To32ReadResource | A read-only entry in a zip file which is read as UTF-8 characters and implicitly converted to UTF-32 characters |
CScannedToken< TokenT > | Represents a single scanned token in the data structure |
CScannedTokens< TokenT > | Encapsulation of a set of language tokens, source text, and start offsets |
CScannedTokens< PropertyToken > | |
CScannerApiScannedTokens< TokenT > | A ScannedTokens adaptor that provides a traditional scanner API |
CScannerApiScannedTokens< PropertyToken > | |
CSemaphore | Traditional semaphore synchronisation object |
CSharedMemoryUtils | Utilities for shared memory items |
CSingleTimeExecutor | Executes the supplied code block a single time |
CSleep | Sleep utilities |
CSourceCodeLocation | A type used to representing a source code file and line number pair, obtained via the FILE and LINE macros |
CStreams | Utilities for streams |
CStrings | Utilities for strings |
CSurefireTestReportGenerator | Test group report generator that generates XML reports with the Maven Surefire plugin schema |
CFork::TerminationReport | A termination report, returned by wait methods |
CTestRunner | The main test runner class |
►CTestWriter | Base class of test writers |
CFileTestWriter | A test writer that writes to the specified file |
CLogWriter | A test writer that writes to the specified Balau logger |
COStreamTestWriter | A test writer that writes to the supplied output stream |
CStdOutTestWriter | A test writer that writes to stdout |
CThreadLocalInstance< T, Enable > | A thread local instance that can be used as a class member instance variable |
CThreadName | A thread-local name |
CToString< CharT, AllocatorT > | Template class based to-string function for use in template classes |
CToString< char, AllocatorT > | UTF-8 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> |
CToString< char, std::allocator< char > > | UTF-8 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> with std::allocator |
CToString< char16_t, AllocatorT > | UTF-16 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> |
CToString< char16_t, std::allocator< char16_t > > | UTF-16 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> with std::allocator |
CToString< char32_t, AllocatorT > | UTF-32 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> |
CToString< char32_t, std::allocator< char32_t > > | UTF-32 specialisation of ToString<CharT, AllocatorT> with std::allocator |
►CUnzipper | Random access to the entries in a zip archive |
CZipper | Transactional modification of entries in a new or existing zip archive |
►CUri | An abstract universal resource identifier |
►CFile | A file on the local file system |
CZipFile | A zip file on the local file system |
CStringUri | An immediate string pseudo-URI |
►CUrl | An abstract Url (either http or https) |
CHttp | An HTTP URL |
CHttps | An HTTPS URL |
CZipEntry | An entry in a zip archive on the local file system |
CUriComponents | Parses a URI and provides views into the URI's components |
CUriDispatcher | Visitor interface for URIs |
►CUriIterator | An abstract read iterator |
CFile::FileUriIterator | Non-recursive iteration over a directory's contents (URI version) |
CUrlDecode | Utility for splitting and decoding URL encoded data |
CUser | Utilities for accessing user information |
CUSharedMemoryObject< T > | A shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library |
CUUID | UUID class, using the Boost uuid implementation |
CInjector::ValidationParent | Encapsulates a validated parent injector for subsequent child validation calls |
CVectors | Utilities for vectors |
CWsClient | A simple WebSocket client |
CWsSession | Manages the handling of WebSocket messages in a WebSocket connection |
►CWsWebApp | Abstract base class of WebSocket web application handlers |
CEchoingWsWebApp | WebSocket web application that echos messages back to the client |
CNullWsWebApp | A WebSocket web application that silently consumes |
CRoutingWsWebApp | A WebSocket web application handler that routes to other handlers |
CZipEntryInfo | Information about a zip archive entry (file or directory) |
CZipFile::ZipFileIterator | Non-recursive iterator into a zip file |