AbstractScanner.hpp | Base class for scanners |
App.hpp | Utilities for accessing application information |
ApplicationConfiguration.hpp | Application configurations specify application injector bindings |
ArrayBlockingQueue.hpp | A blocking queue that uses wait/notify and an array to hold the elements |
Assert.hpp | Assertion utilities for development purposes |
Assertions.hpp | Test assertion functions |
BalauException.hpp | Base Balau exception classes |
BindingBuilder.hpp | An injector binding candidate created via the injector configuration |
BlockingQueue.hpp | Base interface for blocking queues |
ByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only resource which is read as bytes |
ByteWriteResource.hpp | A write-only resource which is written as bytes |
CannedHttpWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application handler that serves a fixed response for each request method |
Character.hpp | Utilities for unicode characters and code points |
ClientSession.hpp | |
Clock.hpp | Base interface of clocks |
CodeSpan.hpp | A position in a piece of multi-line text |
CommandLine.hpp | A compact command line argument parser |
CommandLineExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for the command line parser |
Compression.hpp | Compression utilities: gzip and zip reading/writing |
ConfigurationWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application that merges environment configuration documentation for serving |
ContainerExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for containers |
Containers.hpp | Utilities for containers |
CyclicBarrier.hpp | A synchronising barrier that can be configured for an arbitrary number of threads |
DateTime.hpp | Date and time utilities |
DependencyGraph.hpp | A graph that models the dependencies between a set of objects of type T |
EchoingWsWebApp.hpp | WebSocket web application that echos messages back to the client |
EmailSendingHttpWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application handler that sends an email when a post request is made |
Enums.hpp | Utilities for enums |
EnvironmentConfiguration.hpp | Environment configurations specify environment injector bindings via properties files |
EnvironmentProperties.hpp | A hierarchical environment properties holder created from a composite property |
ExecutionModel.hpp | Test runner execution model enum |
FailingHttpWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application handler that returns 404 for post, get, and head requests |
File.hpp | A file on the local file system |
FileByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only standard file on a file system which is read as bytes |
FileByteWriteResource.hpp | A write only standard file on a file system which is written as bytes |
Files.hpp | Utilities for files |
FileServingHttpWebApp.hpp | |
FileUtf32To8WriteResource.hpp | A write-only file based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters |
FileUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only file based UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
Fork.hpp | Convenience wrapper for forking processes |
FromString.hpp | Pre-defined universal from-string functions |
Hashing.hpp | Hashing functions |
HexCharRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering char containers as hex values |
HexContainerRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering numeric containers as hex values |
HexSignedCharRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering signed char containers as hex values |
HexSignedIntRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering signed int containers as hex values |
HexSignedLongLongRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering signed long long containers as hex values |
HexSignedLongRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering signed long containers as hex values |
HexSignedShortRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering signed short containers as hex values |
HexUnsignedCharRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering unsigned char containers as hex values |
HexUnsignedIntRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering unsigned int containers as hex values |
HexUnsignedLongLongRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering unsigned long long containers as hex values |
HexUnsignedLongRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering unsigned long containers as hex values |
HexUnsignedShortRenderer.hpp | Overload for rendering unsigned short containers as hex values |
Http.hpp | An HTTP URL |
HttpByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only HTTP resource which is read as bytes |
HttpClient.hpp | A simple HTTP client |
HttpRequest.hpp | |
HttpResponse.hpp | |
Https.hpp | An HTTPS URL |
HttpsByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only HTTPS resource which is read as bytes |
HttpsClient.hpp | A simple HTTPS client |
HttpServer.hpp | An asynchronous HTTP/WebSocket server |
HttpServerConfiguration.hpp | Shared state between HTTP sessions |
HttpSession.hpp | Manages the handling of HTTP messages and WebSocket upgrade requests in an HTTP connection |
HttpsUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only HTTPS UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
HttpUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only HTTP UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
HttpWebApp.hpp | Abstract base class of HTTP web application handlers |
Inject.hpp | Injectable.hpp macros without Balau prefix |
Injectable.hpp | Injection macros used in injectable classes |
InjectableBody.hpp | |
InjectableHeader.hpp | Injection macros used in injectable class headers |
InjectBody.hpp | InjectableBody.hpp macros without Balau prefix |
InjectHeader.hpp | InjectableHeader.hpp macros without Balau prefix |
Injector.hpp | The main Injector class |
InjectorConfiguration.hpp | The abstract base class for all Injector configuration classes |
InjectorExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for the injector framework |
IOExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for I/O |
LazyValue.hpp | Lazy setting of a value |
Logger.hpp | The logging system's main Logger class |
LoggingExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for the logging framework |
LoggingLevel.hpp | The logging system's logging level |
LogWriter.hpp | |
Macros.hpp | Utilities for macros |
Matchers.hpp | Matcher functions for test assertions |
Memory.hpp | Utilities for memory |
MimeTypes.hpp | Mime type utilities |
MovableOnScopeExit.hpp | Run a function on scope exit (movable version) |
MSharedMemoryObject.hpp | A shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library |
NetworkExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for network operations |
NetworkTesting.hpp | Test utilities for tests involving the network |
NetworkTypes.hpp | Low level types used in networking code |
NullWsWebApp.hpp | A WebSocket web application that silently consumes |
ObjectTrie.hpp | An object based trie used for parent-child hierarchies |
OnScopeExit.hpp | Run a function on scope exit |
ParsingExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for the parser tools |
PrettyPrint.hpp | Utilities for printing numeric values in different formats |
PropertyAst.hpp | The Property parser AST node classes |
PropertyAstToString.hpp | Visitor based property AST to-string function |
PropertyParser.hpp | A recursive descent property language parser |
PropertyParserService.hpp | Parser service for property file parsing |
PropertyScanner.hpp | A scanner for the property parser |
PropertyToken.hpp | The Property parser Token enum |
PropertyVisitor.hpp | Visitor interface for property AST nodes |
Queue.hpp | Base interface for queues |
Random.hpp | Convenience wrappers around the C++ 11 random number generator library |
RedirectingHttpWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application handler that performs 301 or 302 redirection for a range of HTTP paths |
Resource.hpp | Abstract base class of resource classes |
ResourceExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for resources |
root_certificates.hpp | |
RoutingHttpWebApp.hpp | An HTTP web application handler that routes to other handlers |
RoutingWsWebApp.hpp | A WebSocket web application handler that routes to other handlers |
ScannedTokens.hpp | Encapsulation of a set of tokens, text, and offsets plus various API wrappers |
Semaphore.hpp | Traditional semaphore synchronisation object |
SerializationMacros.hpp | Macros used in serialisation methods |
SharedMemoryQueue.hpp | A blocking, shared memory queue that uses the Boost interprocess library |
SharedMemoryUtils.hpp | Interprocess shared memory utilities |
SingleTimeExecutor.hpp | Executes the supplied code block a single time |
Sleep.hpp | Sleep utilities |
SourceCodeLocation.hpp | |
StdTypes.hpp | Core includes, typedefs and functions |
StdWriters.hpp | Pre-defined test writer classes for stdout, stderr, and files |
Streams.hpp | Utilities for streams |
Strings.hpp | Utilities for strings |
StringUri.hpp | An immediate string pseudo-URI |
StringUriByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only string URI resource which is read as bytes |
StringUriByteWriteResource.hpp | A write resource onto a String URI that is written as bytes |
StringUriUtf32To8WriteResource.hpp | A write-only String based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters |
StringUriUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only String UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
SurefireTestReportGenerator.hpp | |
SynchronizedQueue.hpp | A queue that uses a mutex to synchronise enqueue and dequeue calls |
SystemClock.hpp | The default implementation of the clock API |
SystemExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for system utilities |
TestExceptions.hpp | Balau exceptions for the test framework |
TestRunner.hpp | The main test runner singleton class and test group base class |
TestWriter.hpp | Test writer that writes to the specified Balau logger |
ThreadLocalInstance.hpp | A thread local instance that can be used as a class member instance variable |
ThreadName.hpp | A thread-local name (used by the logging system) |
ToString.hpp | Pre-defined universal to-string functions |
ToStringA.hpp | Pre-defined universal to-string functions for strings with custom allocators |
ToStringS.hpp | Pre-defined universal to-string functions for std::allocator based strings (i.e |
Uri.hpp | The abstract URI base class |
UriComponents.hpp | A class representing the parsed components of a URI |
UriDispatcher.hpp | Dispatcher interface for URIs |
Url.hpp | An abstract Url (either http or https) |
UrlDecode.hpp | Utility for splitting and decoding URL encoded data |
User.hpp | Utilities for accessing user information |
USharedMemoryObject.hpp | A shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library |
Utf32To8WriteResource.hpp | A write-only UTF-8 resource, which is written as UTF-32 characters |
Utf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters |
UUID.hpp | UUID class, using the Boost uuid implementation |
Vectors.hpp | Utilities for vectors |
WsClient.hpp | A simple WebSocket client |
WsSession.hpp | Manages the handling of WebSocket messages in a WebSocket connection |
WsWebApp.hpp | Abstract base class of WebSocket web application handlers |
Zip.hpp | Zipper and Unzipper classes |
ZipEntry.hpp | An entry in a zip archive on the local file system |
ZipEntryByteReadResource.hpp | A read-only entry in a zip file which is read as bytes |
ZipEntryUtf8To32ReadResource.hpp | A read-only UTF-8 entry in a zip file which is read as UTF-32 characters |
ZipFile.hpp | A zip file on the local file system |