File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 AbstractScanner.hppBase class for scanners
 App.hppUtilities for accessing application information
 ApplicationConfiguration.hppApplication configurations specify application injector bindings
 ArrayBlockingQueue.hppA blocking queue that uses wait/notify and an array to hold the elements
 Assert.hppAssertion utilities for development purposes
 Assertions.hppTest assertion functions
 BalauException.hppBase Balau exception classes
 BindingBuilder.hppAn injector binding candidate created via the injector configuration
 BlockingQueue.hppBase interface for blocking queues
 ByteReadResource.hppA read-only resource which is read as bytes
 ByteWriteResource.hppA write-only resource which is written as bytes
 CannedHttpWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application handler that serves a fixed response for each request method
 Character.hppUtilities for unicode characters and code points
 Clock.hppBase interface of clocks
 CodeSpan.hppA position in a piece of multi-line text
 CommandLine.hppA compact command line argument parser
 CommandLineExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for the command line parser
 Compression.hppCompression utilities: gzip and zip reading/writing
 ConfigurationWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application that merges environment configuration documentation for serving
 ContainerExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for containers
 Containers.hppUtilities for containers
 CyclicBarrier.hppA synchronising barrier that can be configured for an arbitrary number of threads
 DateTime.hppDate and time utilities
 DependencyGraph.hppA graph that models the dependencies between a set of objects of type T
 EchoingWsWebApp.hppWebSocket web application that echos messages back to the client
 EmailSendingHttpWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application handler that sends an email when a post request is made
 Enums.hppUtilities for enums
 EnvironmentConfiguration.hppEnvironment configurations specify environment injector bindings via properties files
 EnvironmentProperties.hppA hierarchical environment properties holder created from a composite property
 ExecutionModel.hppTest runner execution model enum
 FailingHttpWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application handler that returns 404 for post, get, and head requests
 File.hppA file on the local file system
 FileByteReadResource.hppA read-only standard file on a file system which is read as bytes
 FileByteWriteResource.hppA write only standard file on a file system which is written as bytes
 Files.hppUtilities for files
 FileUtf32To8WriteResource.hppA write-only file based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters
 FileUtf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only file based UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters
 Fork.hppConvenience wrapper for forking processes
 FromString.hppPre-defined universal from-string functions
 Hashing.hppHashing functions
 HexCharRenderer.hppOverload for rendering char containers as hex values
 HexContainerRenderer.hppOverload for rendering numeric containers as hex values
 HexSignedCharRenderer.hppOverload for rendering signed char containers as hex values
 HexSignedIntRenderer.hppOverload for rendering signed int containers as hex values
 HexSignedLongLongRenderer.hppOverload for rendering signed long long containers as hex values
 HexSignedLongRenderer.hppOverload for rendering signed long containers as hex values
 HexSignedShortRenderer.hppOverload for rendering signed short containers as hex values
 HexUnsignedCharRenderer.hppOverload for rendering unsigned char containers as hex values
 HexUnsignedIntRenderer.hppOverload for rendering unsigned int containers as hex values
 HexUnsignedLongLongRenderer.hppOverload for rendering unsigned long long containers as hex values
 HexUnsignedLongRenderer.hppOverload for rendering unsigned long containers as hex values
 HexUnsignedShortRenderer.hppOverload for rendering unsigned short containers as hex values
 Http.hppAn HTTP URL
 HttpByteReadResource.hppA read-only HTTP resource which is read as bytes
 HttpClient.hppA simple HTTP client
 Https.hppAn HTTPS URL
 HttpsByteReadResource.hppA read-only HTTPS resource which is read as bytes
 HttpsClient.hppA simple HTTPS client
 HttpServer.hppAn asynchronous HTTP/WebSocket server
 HttpServerConfiguration.hppShared state between HTTP sessions
 HttpSession.hppManages the handling of HTTP messages and WebSocket upgrade requests in an HTTP connection
 HttpsUtf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only HTTPS UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters
 HttpUtf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only HTTP UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters
 HttpWebApp.hppAbstract base class of HTTP web application handlers
 Inject.hppInjectable.hpp macros without Balau prefix
 Injectable.hppInjection macros used in injectable classes
 InjectableHeader.hppInjection macros used in injectable class headers
 InjectBody.hppInjectableBody.hpp macros without Balau prefix
 InjectHeader.hppInjectableHeader.hpp macros without Balau prefix
 Injector.hppThe main Injector class
 InjectorConfiguration.hppThe abstract base class for all Injector configuration classes
 InjectorExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for the injector framework
 IOExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for I/O
 LazyValue.hppLazy setting of a value
 Logger.hppThe logging system's main Logger class
 LoggingExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for the logging framework
 LoggingLevel.hppThe logging system's logging level
 Macros.hppUtilities for macros
 Matchers.hppMatcher functions for test assertions
 Memory.hppUtilities for memory
 MimeTypes.hppMime type utilities
 MovableOnScopeExit.hppRun a function on scope exit (movable version)
 MSharedMemoryObject.hppA shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library
 NetworkExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for network operations
 NetworkTesting.hppTest utilities for tests involving the network
 NetworkTypes.hppLow level types used in networking code
 NullWsWebApp.hppA WebSocket web application that silently consumes
 ObjectTrie.hppAn object based trie used for parent-child hierarchies
 OnScopeExit.hppRun a function on scope exit
 ParsingExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for the parser tools
 PrettyPrint.hppUtilities for printing numeric values in different formats
 PropertyAst.hppThe Property parser AST node classes
 PropertyAstToString.hppVisitor based property AST to-string function
 PropertyParser.hppA recursive descent property language parser
 PropertyParserService.hppParser service for property file parsing
 PropertyScanner.hppA scanner for the property parser
 PropertyToken.hppThe Property parser Token enum
 PropertyVisitor.hppVisitor interface for property AST nodes
 Queue.hppBase interface for queues
 Random.hppConvenience wrappers around the C++ 11 random number generator library
 RedirectingHttpWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application handler that performs 301 or 302 redirection for a range of HTTP paths
 Resource.hppAbstract base class of resource classes
 ResourceExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for resources
 RoutingHttpWebApp.hppAn HTTP web application handler that routes to other handlers
 RoutingWsWebApp.hppA WebSocket web application handler that routes to other handlers
 ScannedTokens.hppEncapsulation of a set of tokens, text, and offsets plus various API wrappers
 Semaphore.hppTraditional semaphore synchronisation object
 SerializationMacros.hppMacros used in serialisation methods
 SharedMemoryQueue.hppA blocking, shared memory queue that uses the Boost interprocess library
 SharedMemoryUtils.hppInterprocess shared memory utilities
 SingleTimeExecutor.hppExecutes the supplied code block a single time
 Sleep.hppSleep utilities
 StdTypes.hppCore includes, typedefs and functions
 StdWriters.hppPre-defined test writer classes for stdout, stderr, and files
 Streams.hppUtilities for streams
 Strings.hppUtilities for strings
 StringUri.hppAn immediate string pseudo-URI
 StringUriByteReadResource.hppA read-only string URI resource which is read as bytes
 StringUriByteWriteResource.hppA write resource onto a String URI that is written as bytes
 StringUriUtf32To8WriteResource.hppA write-only String based UTF-8 resource which is written as UTF-32 characters
 StringUriUtf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only String UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters
 SynchronizedQueue.hppA queue that uses a mutex to synchronise enqueue and dequeue calls
 SystemClock.hppThe default implementation of the clock API
 SystemExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for system utilities
 TestExceptions.hppBalau exceptions for the test framework
 TestRunner.hppThe main test runner singleton class and test group base class
 TestWriter.hppTest writer that writes to the specified Balau logger
 ThreadLocalInstance.hppA thread local instance that can be used as a class member instance variable
 ThreadName.hppA thread-local name (used by the logging system)
 ToString.hppPre-defined universal to-string functions
 ToStringA.hppPre-defined universal to-string functions for strings with custom allocators
 ToStringS.hppPre-defined universal to-string functions for std::allocator based strings (i.e
 Uri.hppThe abstract URI base class
 UriComponents.hppA class representing the parsed components of a URI
 UriDispatcher.hppDispatcher interface for URIs
 Url.hppAn abstract Url (either http or https)
 UrlDecode.hppUtility for splitting and decoding URL encoded data
 User.hppUtilities for accessing user information
 USharedMemoryObject.hppA shared memory object that uses the Boost interprocess library
 Utf32To8WriteResource.hppA write-only UTF-8 resource, which is written as UTF-32 characters
 Utf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only UTF-8 resource which is read as UTF-32 characters
 UUID.hppUUID class, using the Boost uuid implementation
 Vectors.hppUtilities for vectors
 WsClient.hppA simple WebSocket client
 WsSession.hppManages the handling of WebSocket messages in a WebSocket connection
 WsWebApp.hppAbstract base class of WebSocket web application handlers
 Zip.hppZipper and Unzipper classes
 ZipEntry.hppAn entry in a zip archive on the local file system
 ZipEntryByteReadResource.hppA read-only entry in a zip file which is read as bytes
 ZipEntryUtf8To32ReadResource.hppA read-only UTF-8 entry in a zip file which is read as UTF-32 characters
 ZipFile.hppA zip file on the local file system